
Endolift® is the future of non-invasive facelift procedure using the revolutionary thinnest micro-fiber optic. Applied at a wavelength of 1470 nm solid state diode laser.

  1. Endolift® is a minimally invasive outpatient laser procedure used in endo-tissutal (interstitial) aesthetic medicine. The laser treatment is performed with the latest Eufoton® LASEmaR® 1500 (certified and approved by the American FDA for laser assisted liposuction).


  • No anesthesia, only cooling
  • Safe, visible and immediate results
  • Long-term effect
  • A unique session
  • No incisions
  • Outpatient treatment
  • No or minimum convalescence
  • It can be associated with other aesthetic treatments

Endolift® can be performed in synergy (simultaneously or delayed) with other current aesthetic medicine and surgery procedures, such as:

  • Fractional non ablative resurfacing with fractional scanner LIGHTSCAN™ which can be used with the same Endolift® laser;
  • HIFU microfocused ultrasound;
  • LED photobiomodulation;
  • Patch masks.

The device can be used both with frontal and radial fibers. Moreover, the radial emission permits a wider and even heat emission and distribution, which is a positive outcome for temperature control capabilities. Results are not only immediate and long-term, but continue to improve for several months following the procedure, as additional collagen builds in the deep layers of the skin. As with all procedures in aesthetic medicine, the response and the duration of the effect depends on each patient and, if the physician deems it necessary, Endolift® can be repeated with no collateral effects.

Click here to learn more about Endolift®. And if you need demo request, fill out the form below and we’ll reach out to schedule your personalized demo.


Main Properties

Endolift® has multiple purposes:

  • the remodeling of both deep and superficial layers of the skin,
  • toning,
  • the retraction of connective septums,
  • the stimulation of collagen production and,
  • when necessary, the reduction of excessive fat.

The main activity of Endolift® is promoting skin tightening, in other words the retraction and reduction of skin cutaneus laxity thanks to the activation of neo-collagenesis and of metabolic functions in the extra cellular matrix.

The skin tightening created by Endolift®is strictly linked to the selectivity of the laser beam used, that is, to the specific interaction of the laser light which selectively hits two of the main targets of the human body: water and fat.


Technical Data Sheet

The Endolift® treatment is only medical and is always performed in day surgery.
Specific single-use micro optical fibers, a bit thinner than a hair (FTF Eufoton), are easily inserted under the skin into the superficial hypodermis.


The procedure does not require incisions or anesthesia. The patient may perceive only a slight discomfort due to the laser energy creating micro-tunnels oriented along the anti-gravitational vectors, which grant an immediate and visible lifting effect. At the end of the treatment, the single-use micro-fibers are removed and thrown away.

Endolift® does not cause any kind of pain associated with incisions and sutures. No recovery time is required. Patients can return to their job and normal activities within a few hours.

Before After Image

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before endolift on chin
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after endolift on chin
before endolift on chin
before endolift on chin
after endolift on chin
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before endolift on cheek
after endolift on cheek
after endolift on cheek
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before endolift on chin
after endolift on chin
after endolift on chin
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after endolift on leg
before endolift on leg
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before endolift on hip
after endolift on hip
after endolift on hip
before endolift under eye
before endolift under eye
after endolift under eye
after endolift under eye
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before endolift on chin
after endolift on chin
after endolift on chin
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before endolift on leg
after endolift on leg
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before endolift on belly
before endolift on belly
after endolift on belly
after endolift on belly



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Endolift Testimonials from Dr Eda Yildirim
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Endolift Testimonials from Dr Roberto Dell’Avanzato
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Endolift testimonials from Dr. Maurizio Cavallini
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Endolift testimonials from Dr. Priya Verma
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Endolift testimonials from Dr Ricardo Forte
Endolift testimonials from Dr Deniz Kalianda


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